譯者:上一期的大天使邁爾克的節目談到了許多“如果……那將會怎麼樣?”(what if),談到了“背叛”的感覺(【大天使邁克爾】2012年9月3日 逐漸揚升還是突然揚升1)。我們感覺銀河聯邦、大天使給我們承諾但又一次次落空,這是一種背叛的感覺,這都來自過往生世的創傷,這篇聖哲曼的消息很好的解釋了這個問題,現在就是療愈這種感覺的時候,推薦給大家細細體會一下其中的感覺。
Open your heart, let St. Germaine heal all your injuries, perceived or real; the time is now!
Channeled by Linda Dillon 09-01-12
聖哲曼通過Linda Dillon傳導 2012年9月1日
Greetings, I AM St. Germaine. I AM Germaine. Welcome, welcome my brothers and sisters, my armada of healers, way-showers. I come this day to speak to you of injury; the healing and elimination of injury, of specific injury and all injury. And from that yes, surrender to your sacred self and to all. And my beloved teachers, channelers, healers, friends, I know this is something you have worked on for a long time but that does not mean that there cannot be further expansion, deeper release and deeper under-standing.
When I speak to you this day, or any day, about injury I wish to distinguish it, to differentiate between injury and what you think of as hurt. Very often you will say to yourself “I hurt” or to another “You have hurt my feelings” or even to us “You have hurt my feelings”. Being hurt is caused sometimes by words, by actions, intentional or not it matters not. But when I speak to you of injury there are several elements, not only the element of history but the element of betrayal. It is deeper than disappointment; yes it is akin to being disillusioned, but it is deeper than that as well. And the thing about injury my beloved ones is when you feel or acknowledge, because many of you do not acknowledge that you feel injured; so that is something that needs to shift as well. But when you feel that you have been injured, there is a sense of betrayal at some level and often in many levels. And what injury also does is create a catalyst in that feeling of betrayal of fear. So there is a fear of going forward and continuing in case you might be injured or re-injured and therefore you stagnate; and in stagnation there is not that there is no movement. When we speak to you about being stuck it is not that there is no movement, if anything there is a backward movement, there is a re-entrenchment and that is the last thing you want to do during this magnificent time of growth, of expansion, and of Shift.
There are many times when injury has also been catalyzed by past-life memories and in some cases of pre-knowledge, foreknowledge of knowing what lies ahead. But usually when you are injured, in what you think of as your current time and space, which I translate to mean this lifetime, it also catalyzes past-life injuries as well. So it is a very deep and pervasive wound. You say to me “St. Germaine, why during this time of such enormous expansion, of such miraculous growth, of opening and flowering of our trans-dimensional being, why do you choose now to speak of injury?” Because my beloved friends each of you, yes in different ways have deep seeded injury that you have not, as yet, begun to heal. It is that deep sense within your heart of what you have buried because the wound is so raw, so painful, so hurtful that you cannot bear to look at it. But not looking at it or acknowledging it does not eliminate it, does not heal it; quite the contrary, it allows the wound or the scar to grow thicker, to become more impenetrable. And it is not what your soul desires and it is not you, as human being or starseed, truly wish to do.
So this day I bring you my torch again, I bring you my laser-light of violet, I bring you Violet Flame, and I bring you my promise to work with and through thee to heal the sense of injury. And what I am asking of each of you is to allow all senses of injury to simply rise to the surface of your heart. It may be the betrayal that you feel of a loved one and that loved one may be in or out of form. It may be your twin, it may be your guide, in fact it may be me. When I speak of injury and betrayal and a belief in betrayal it does not mean that it is real but it is real because you feel it. And it is the sensation, the history of that feeling, of that emotion, of that mental belief, of that structure, of that paradigm. But it is time to relinquish, and not only relinquish but eliminate once and for all. Perhaps the sense of betrayal is about yourself, that you feel that you have not done enough, that you have not fulfilled your mission the way that you think or believe you could or should. This is absurd.
You are my armada, you are the way-showers, you are the bravest of the brave, it is why you are here and in some way that is rather perverse, it is why you have buried your injuries so that you put it away and you soldier on. The disconnect in that is that also in doing that you believe you are not worthy of being healed, that this belief is valid, that this illusion is real, that somehow you have been forgotten. I do not forget one of you, that is why I keep saying that I am reclaiming you. Yes, there is Michael, there is Gabriel, there is Yeshua and we are all calling to you. But Raphael and I are the healers and I know what it is to be in human form and to feel deeply injured and betrayed and I have lived for hundreds of years, not only evolving and moving forward but also healing. And yes in some cases, making retribution.
So I ask of you, I ask of you not next week, not next month, but today for you to lie on your bed and allow me, allow me the honor with my beloved Violet Flame that is entrusted to me from the heart of the Father. Allow me to heal you and to heal this lingering sense of injury, of betrayal, of fear. You cannot be stuck any longer. You are on an urgent mission, yes you think we do not understand time and it is often the case that our translation is very different than yours; but make no mistake about it dear ones, we understand urgency. All you have need to do is to acknowledge the injury and receive. Leave the rest to us and allow us to restore you, to free you, and to reinforce you that injury is not only not part of you, it is not part of the potential reality that you occupy. It is no longer part of your language, your experience, your lexicon. For this I thank you. Go in peace. Farewell.
轉載自“xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客”
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